SouthBurnett.Biz - The South Burnett's Online Business Database
Monday 10 February 2025
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Privacy Policy
This statement sets out our policies relating to the privacy of your personal information:

Briefly, this web site is operated in compliance with the Australian Government's Information Privacy Principles which are outlined at and we try to comply with these principles at all times.

  1. Our web site collects the following information from our online visitors: a record of each visit that logs a visitor's IP address, the date and time of their visit, the pages accessed and/or documents downloaded, their country of origin and the type of browser used (ie exactly the same type of information routinely collected by all web servers around the world). No attempt is or will be made to identify individual users or their browsing activities except in the unlikely event of an investigation where a law enforcement agency exercises a warrant to inspect our service provider's logs. We analyse the information collected by our web server at the end of each month purely to determine our web site's overall usage statistics.

  2. We retain the e-mail addresses of people who send emails to us through this web site for the simple purpose of sending them a response. These email addresses are stored in a secure area of our office network (ie not on the website) and are not used for any other purpose. Nor will they be disclosed to any third party without the consent of the person who originally emailed us.

  3. People who submit email addresses, web sites or other information for linking on this web site are agreeing to have them published on our web site by doing so. We will, however, remove or modify any submitted email address, web site URL or other supplied information on request.

Visitors should also note that this web site contains links to a number of other web sites that are included on the basis of containing content related to our own site's operations and/or as a service to our online visitors. When you click on a link to go to another site, you leave our own web site and are no longer protected by our Privacy Policy.

Information submitted to SouthBurnett.Biz via business registration forms, email or other means will be placed on our website in the relevant category/categories as judged by us to be appropriate. By submitting a registration form, emailing us or contacting us by other means you consent to the publication of your information on our website.

SouthBurnett.Biz has no control over the subsequent use or disclosure of this information once it has been published on the web. Our website also contains information already in the public domain.

If you wish to have your information removed or amended in any way, please contact us - either by phoning us on (07) 4163-6854 during business hours or by email.

This privacy statement is periodically reviewed in line with the ongoing development of our web site and/or changes to Australian privacy laws.


Anti-Spam Policy
This statement sets out our policies relating to spam (ie unsolicited commercial email):

Our web site is operated in compliance with the Australian Spam Act 2003, which may be viewed online at a variety of locations.
In a nutshell, we don't send out any spam emails. Nor do we do business with any individual or company who does. We encourage all our visitors to do likewise.
We also use anti-spam filtering on our emails and we report any Australian who spams us to the proper authorities on receipt of their spam. Again, we encourage our visitors to do likewise in countries which have equivalent legislation to Australia. Or to request their legislators enact similar laws in countries which don't yet have anti-spam legislation; or to toughen existing laws up to Australian anti-spam standards where those laws are weak.
Listings shown on SouthBurnett.Biz which contain email addresses are shown for the purpose of inviting contact from the public which is directly related to the services that an individual business or organisation offers.
Email contacts are not to be taken as a general invitation for email spam, and are not to be used to construct mailing lists.
SouthBurnett.Biz actively encourages anyone who is spammed to report that spam to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) so that it can take appropriate action against the spammer under the terms of the Australian Spam Act 2003.
SouthBurnett.Biz also actively monitors our database at all times and employs techniques which detect attempted construction of email lists. We will report any person who attempts to abuse this website's service to ACMA without hesitation.


Disclaimer makes no representations about the content and suitability of SouthBurnett.Biz materials presented online for any purpose.

Specifically, does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the correctness, accuracy, reliability, currency or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented in SouthBurnett.Biz materials.

The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and result of SouthBurnett.Biz materials, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. Users should confirm information from another source if it is of sufficient importance for them to do so.

In no event shall be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever, resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of SouthBurnett.Biz materials.

The listing of any businesses or other entity on SouthBurnett.Biz does not serve as an endorsement of them by, its employees, agents, consultants and representatives do not accept any responsibility whatsoever including responsibility for negligence, physical damage, personal injury, economic loss, costs or expenses of any kind, or any other loss or damage whatsoever suffered or incurred by anyone as a direct or indirect consequence of errors in or omissions from the site, or related to action or inaction taken in reliance upon the contents of the site.

You should be aware that third party sites are not under the control of and we can make no representation to you concerning the content of these sites. These references are provided only as a convenience to you.

Responsibility for all election comment that appears on this website is taken by The Editor, 6 Cornish Street, Kingaroy Qld 4610.


All the content of the SouthBurnett.Biz web site (including any sub-domains and poster pages) is copyright to 2001-2025

The information contained in our databases and on other parts of our site is the result of original work on our part and has been acquired solely by our own research and/or public submissions to our website.
Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under copyright legislation, no part of this site or its contents may be reproduced or re-used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without written permission from the Chief Executive Officer,
Any inquiries about this should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer,, PO Box 547, Kingaroy, 4610.
When you access the SouthBurnett.Biz web site you agree to retrieve materials for information only; to download a copy or printout for your personal use only; to include the copyright notice in any copy you make; and not to modify information found on the website without written permission from
Copyright for images and/or other non-textual material which appears on our web site is either the property of or is used under licence and/or with the permission of the relevant copyright holders. This material may not be reproduced without the permission of those relevant copyright holders.


Cookies and Advertising
We use third-party advertising companies - primarily Google Adsense - to serve ads when you visit our website.

These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.
If you'd like more information about this practice and would like to know your options in relation to·not having this information used by these companies, click here.


SouthBurnett.Biz grew from data that was originally collected by the Tarong Business Program in early 2000. This program was a three year project designed to encourage contractors at the Tarong North power station construction site to use local goods and services.

The Tarong Business Program itself was an initiative of the former Kingaroy Shire Council's Economic Development Unit and was sponsored by Kingaroy Shire Council, Rio Tinto Coal Australia, Tarong Energy, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, the Department of State Development and Innovation, CTC Employment Services, Nanango Shire Council and Rosalie Shire Council.
The generous assistance and support of the program's founding sponsors made the original SouthBurnett.Biz web site possible. And when the program concluded in 2002 it was generally felt that the site was so useful for the South Burnett region as a whole that it should be continued.
SouthBurnett.Biz has been maintained by ever since that time and it forms part of the regional network. The current version of the site you're viewing (version 4.1) was launched on 21-May-10.